Exercise is a state of mind

Sit back and let me tell you a tale about one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done in my life.

Many moons ago, I was married to an extremely smart professor who lifted weights six days a week and rested on the Sabbath. I never felt the need to work out (weight lift), but he encouraged me to at least work out 2 days a week with him. One day for the upper body, and the second for the lower body. I didn’t feel my body was that out of shape, but I did give birth to two kids. Ladies, you can certainly relate to how our body changes to accommodate giving birth. But I digress, so back on to the story.

After a few months of working out with the smart professor, my body got firm in areas I wasn’t previously firm. I liked the look, the feel, and boy did it do wonders for my self-esteem. I could wear a mini skirt again! Back then, that was HOT!

One thing I didn’t like was being forced to work out. I had to do sit-ups before bed and in the morning. He’d comment on what I ate if he felt it wasn’t what I should be eating. You probably guessed by now, that he was a control freak. I don’t like the word freak, but it conveys what I need to get across in this tale.

We ended up getting a divorce for lots of reasons. I wished him well and left with two kids in tow. I was grateful for the tight thighs and feeling great about my body, which I owed all that to him and his control. BUT in my rebellion of not wanting to be controlled, I STOPPED working out from that point on! That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. So so wrong…

Fast forward fifteen years, here I am mid-fifties struggling to lose because it’s even harder at my age now! I get up at 5:45 am to get my butt to the gym and work out at least 3 times a week. BUT I LOVE to work out now. I FEEL so much better and have more energy than when I don’t work out. I notice a high feeling on the days I do work on my body. The only difference is – No one is forcing me now. I simply do it for myself and my own health.

I’m glad this tale has a happy ending, but I sure wish I could go back in time and change that stupid moment in time! (LOL) Life is a journey… ups and downs… good and bad.

Exercise is really a state of mind! It’s all in how you look at it.

Love and blessings – and here’s to our health.
